Package com.legstar.coxb

Cobol to Java binding application programming interface classes.


Interface Summary
ICobolArrayBinaryBinding This interface groups methods that are common to all cobol binary array elements (PIC 9(n)V9(m) COMP, COMP-4, COMP-5 OCCURS).
ICobolArrayBinding This interface groups methods that are common to all arrays.
ICobolArrayComplexBinding This interface groups methods that are common to arrays of complex elements.
ICobolArrayDbcsBinding This interface groups methods that are common to all cobol array DBCS elements (PIC G OCCURS USAGE DISPLAY-1).
ICobolArrayDoubleBinding This interface groups methods that are common to double array elements.
ICobolArrayFloatBinding This interface groups methods that are common to float array elements.
ICobolArrayNationalBinding This interface groups methods that are common to all cobol array national elements (PIC N OCCURS USAGE NATIONAL).
ICobolArrayNumericBinding This interface groups methods that are common to all array of numeric elements.
ICobolArrayOctetStreamBinding This interface groups methods that are common to all cobol array octet stream elements.
ICobolArrayPackedDecimalBinding This interface groups methods that are common to all cobol packed decimal array elements (PIC 9(n)V9(m) COMP-3 OCCURS).
ICobolArrayStringBinding This interface groups methods that are common to all cobol array string elements (PIC X OCCURS).
ICobolArrayZonedDecimalBinding This interface groups methods that are common to all cobol zoned decimal array elements (PIC 9(n)V9(m) DISPLAY OCCURS).
ICobolBinaryBinding This interface groups methods that are common to all cobol binary elements (PIC 9(n)V9(m) COMP, COMP-4, COMP-5).
ICobolBinding This interface represents the binding between a java type and a cobol element.
ICobolBindingFactory This is an abstract representation of a binding factory used to shield users from a particular binding implementation.
ICobolBindingVisitorsFactory Concrete implementations of the CobolBindingVisitorsFactory implement this interface.
ICobolChoiceBinding This interface groups methods that are common to choice elements.
ICobolComplexBinding This interface groups methods that are common to complex elements that are not arrays.
ICobolDbcsBinding This interface groups methods that are common to all cobol DBCS elements (PIC G USAGE DISPLAY-1).
ICobolDoubleBinding This interface groups methods that are common to double elements that are not arrays.
ICobolElement This interface describes a cobol element.
ICobolFloatBinding This interface groups methods that are common to float elements that are not arrays.
ICobolMarshalChoiceStrategy This interface is used for custom choice selection at marshaling time.
ICobolNationalBinding This interface groups methods that are common to all cobol national elements (PIC N USAGE NATIONAL).
ICobolNumericBinding This interface groups methods that are common to all cobol numeric elements.
ICobolOctetStreamBinding This interface groups methods that are common to all octet stream elements that are not arrays.
ICobolPackedDecimalBinding This interface groups methods that are common to all cobol packed decimal elements (PIC 9(n)V9(m) COMP-3).
ICobolStringBinding This interface groups methods that are common to all cobol string elements (PIC X).
ICobolUnmarshalChoiceStrategy This interface is used for custom choice selection at unmarshaling time.
ICobolZonedDecimalBinding This interface groups methods that are common to all cobol zoned decimal elements (PIC 9(n)V9(m) DISPLAY).

Class Summary
CobolBindingFactory Instantiate a concrete binding factory.
CobolBindingVisitorsFactory Concrete visitors factories are hidden behind this factory.
CobolContext This class encapsulates all Cobol compiler options that might influence the conversion from Cobol representation to Java representation.
CobolElementVisitor This class is a super-class of all visitors (visitor pattern) involved in converting java object trees instances to host data buffers.
CobolMarkup XML markup for Cobol annotations.
CobolUsage These are the COBOL usage attribute that are derived from the original COBOL statement and then propagated as attributes in XML Schema and java annototations.

Enum Summary
CobolContext.Trunc This enumeration class represents how binary data is truncated depending on the number of digits specified in the PICTURE clause.
CobolType This is the list of all the cobol item types that are supported.
CobolUsage.Usage Usable as java enumeration.

Exception Summary
CobolBindingException Binding exceptions.

Annotation Types Summary
CobolComplexType Cobol annotation for JAXB Classes.
CobolElement Cobol annotations persist at execution time.

Package com.legstar.coxb Description

Cobol to Java binding application programming interface classes.

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