CICS Socket server program LSSOKBIN


This C/370 program can be used to remotely link to a CICS program over TCPIP Sockets. LSSOKBIN uses the CICS Sockets API available for all versions of CICS. Please note however that C/370 requires Language Environment so older versions of CICS, running without LE, will not be able to run LSSOKBIN.

LSSOKBIN implements an RPC protocol described in the source header. This protocol allows clients to keep connections active and drive CICS unit of works using commit/rollback commands.

LSSOKBIN dynamically calls 2 sub-programs named LSCOMLOG and LSLNKBIN. LSCOMLOG is the logging/tracing facility while LSLNKBIN handles linking to the target CICS program (this way, LSSOKBIN can focus on dealing with the message exchange protocol).

LSLNKBIN itself depends on 2 sub-programs LSLNKCOM for commarea-driven programs and LSLNKCTN for container-driven programs.

The call diagram looks like this:

                                     --->| LSLNKCOM |
                                     |   ------------
 ------------        ------------    |
 | LSSOKBIN |------->| LSLNKBIN |----|
 ------------   |    ------------    |            
                |                    |   ------------
                |                    --->| LSLNKCTN |
                |                        ------------
                |    ------------
                ---->| LSCOMLOG |


- LSSOKBIN does not support the INPUTMSG option of the LINK command.

This program has been tested for:

- CICS TS 2.3 an TS 3.1 (6.3.0 an 6.4.0 Command language translator)

- C/370 for OS/390 V2 R10