Source code

You can get the sources from Subversion on Google hosting or directly from Maven central:

Subversion SVN instructions
Maven LegStar repository

Download LegStar individual modules

If you don't need the complete product, you can download individual modules:

Module Download page Version
COBOL to XML Schema Translator legstar-cob2xsd 0.3.6
XML Schema to COBOL Translator legstar-xsd2cob 0.2.3
COBOL Transformers Generator legstar-coxbgen 1.5.10
WebSphere MQ Transport for CICS legstar-cmqrt 1.5.3
HTTP Transport for CICS legstar-chttprt 1.5.3
Socket Transport for CICS legstar-csokrt 1.5.3
Connection pooling engine legstar-engine 1.5.3
Mainframe Proxy Runtime legstar-c2wsrt 1.5.3